Information Gathering for Consultation.
Please fill the form with as many details as possible. If you need to gather the details over the next day, please do so before filling it in. We will get in touch with you to fix an appointment based on your preferences.
Adresse e-mail *
Name *
Email *
Mobile number *
What Country/City do you reside in? *
What are the suitable times for you?
Please check the time difference and select multiple options IST time.
8:30Am (IST)
11:30Am (IST)
2:20Pm (IST)
Dog's name *
Please fill one form for one dog only.
Breed *
Age *
Weight (In Kilos) *
Is your dog overweight? *
Spayed or neutered *
How many people in the household? Please list profession and work schedules for adults and age for all the kids. *
How many hours is the dog typically alone at home? *
Detailed information.
The following are detailed questions about your dog's health and nutrition.
What are the main concerns / issues you would like addressed during this consult? *
Are you willing to feed the dog a species appropriate  meat based diet? *
Current diet *
Please add timings, measured quantity for each meal of the day. Do not include snacks
Snacks during any typical day *
Please include exact snacks and quantity with timings.
Medical History from the past *
Please state any major or minor medical issues that have happened in the past, which may or may not be existing currently.
Any Current Medical Conditions? *
Please give details about the above mentioned conditions *
Please provide adequate details about the conditions and medications and current status.
Are there any known Allergens for your dog? *
Are they any ingredients or food items you know your dog does not like? *
What time does the dog usually wake up? *
What time does the dog usually go to bed for the night? *
Where does the dog typically sleep? *
How many walks does the dog have daily?
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How long do these walks last? And where do these walks take place? *
Please give timings for various walks if different. Also location of walks for eg. in the building compound, on the main road, in a park etc.
How long do you think your dog sleeps during a 24 hour period? *
Select the most accurate option rather than a generalized option
Do you think your dog is *
You may choose Multiple options
Please explain your answer above. *
Has your dog ever bitten a human? *
Has your dog ever bitten another dog? *
How do you define a "Bite" differently from Nipping? *
Does your dog have behavioral problems?
Please describe in detail.
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