RIOJA Wine Roadshow 2023 | Hong Kong
里奧哈產區葡萄酒巡展 2023 香港站
2023.4.17 星期一 (Mon)

— 未報名人士,請直接到活動入口登記處,即場申請入場。業內人士可提供卡片,或者填寫資料。
— For unregistered walk-ins, please get admission at entrance’s reception by providing business card or personal information.

地點 Address: 
Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, 20 Nathan Road, Kowloon 

品鑒會 Grand Tasting
12:30-17:00 (3/F Ballroom)
四十多家酒莊,超過三百款酒 (40+ wineries and 300+ wines)

大師班 Masterclass - 已滿 Full
13:00-15:00 (4/F Sung Room)
講師 Speaker: 陳効謙 Lawrence Chan 
共八款酒 (8 Tasting Wines)

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* This is ONLY for registration. Your will receive confirmation letter when your seat is confirmed. 
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