Green Leaders International Training Registration
Welcome to the Innovative GREEN LEADERS Training Registration!

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the Innovative GREEN LEADERS training program, part of the Green Leaders project (Reference no.: 2024-1-DEO2-KA210-VET-000245605), taking place in Mainz, Germany, from 28 June to 2 July 2025.

This 3-day transformative training is designed to provide valuable education and hands-on experience in the rapidly growing field of green social entrepreneurship. More than just training, this program emphasizes the joy of learning, exchanging ideas, and getting to know one another in an international community. By joining, you will gain access to customized resources, develop collaborative relationships, and become part of a dynamic network of Green Leaders dedicated to driving sustainable change.

Additionally, the program fosters continuous coaching and upskilling, ensuring that you are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to lead in the green economy.

Complete the registration form below to take the first step in becoming a Green Leader and contributing to a brighter, greener future. We look forward to welcoming you on this exciting journey!

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