Flamingo Poem(My Mother at Sixty-six)
Class 12 English Objective Question with Answer for upcoming Board Exam 2022. Based on NCERT Syllabus
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Who is the poet of this poem? *
1 point
The poetess says her mother looked pale like a – *
1 point
She soon put that thought out of her mind and – *
1 point
The narrator again compared her mother too – *
1 point
‘Children spilling out’ is an – *
1 point
What is the main idea of the poem? *
1 point
The narrator is only using her smile to – *
1 point
What did the poet realize with pain? *
1 point
What was the poet’s childhood fear?Untitled Question *
1 point
Why did the poet look at her mother again? *
1 point
What does the narrative single sentence style of the poem highlight? *
1 point
What does the expression smile, smile and smile signify? *
1 point
Whose house the poet was leaving?Untitled Question *
1 point
What were the words she used while parting from her mother? *
1 point
Kamala Das was an *
1 point
The person in the car, beside the poetess, was, *
1 point
The poetess says her mother looked pale like a *
1 point
Clear form
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