WRiTEON Database
WRiTEON keeps a database of actors, directors, producers, technicians and front-of-house volunteers who have worked with us or would like to. The database is shared via Google Docs with those within WRiTEON who need it for casting our seasons of new writing, and other performance events and workshops.

If you would like to be considered for current or future opportunities, please answer the questions below, giving us permission for your name and contact details to be included, along with additional details which might be useful when casting specific roles.

Please note that the full document will only be shared between artistic directors and producers for each season/performance event (and just contact details will be passed on to the director and actors cast in each piece). Access will be removed for people who no longer need it after each season/event. From time to time, we are asked to recommend actors for non-WRiTEON productions, films etc. (usually amateur but occasionally paid). We do NOT share the database in response to these requests, we just forward the enquirer’s email (blind copied) to any actors on our list who might be suitable and ask them to respond direct to that person, if interested. Further details are available in our privacy policy (writeon.org.uk/privacy-policy).

If you would like to be included in the Database, please answer the questions below.
E-mail *
Name *
Phone number
Interested in:
Are you interested in acting? *
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