Future Without Violence Workshop RSVP Form
In the wake of the Christchurch terror attack that took the lives of 50 people, the reality of racist violence against Muslims, migrant and refugee background communities has been brought to the surface. For a long time, migrant and refugee background youth have been subjected to different forms of racial and gender-based violence.

How do we work together as communities towards a future without violence? How do we ensure the safety of younger generations? What can families do to support young people thrive in Aotearoa/New Zealand? What are the legal protections for people experiencing violence?

This workshop will cover:

1. Understanding different kinds of violence and discrimination against migrant and refugee youth
2. The role families and adults can play to ensure safety of younger generations
3. The legal rights and protections for people experiencing violence  

This is a workshop for parents, youth and families from Asian, Middle Eastern and African communities to work together on ensuring young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds can lead lives without fear of violence, within and outside of the home.  

Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Date: May 4th 2019
Place: Wesley Community Centre

Please RSVP by 1st of May. Space is limited.

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