Permanent Recognition Program Inquiry

Melrose’s beloved Memorial Hall is in desperate need of repair and the Friends of Melrose Memorial Hall (FOMMH) are planning a Permanent Recognition Program for individuals and families who want to support this project to keep this important building thriving in Melrose. Please share your potential interest in this program.

Filling out this inquiry is not an obligation to continue. We will consider your interest pending until money is received and you confirm the plaque details.

We will not share any of your information without getting permission from you to do so.

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E-Mail-Adresse *
Your First Name: *
Your Last Name *
Phone Number *
Individuals and Families who would like to support the efforts of restoring the interior of Memorial Hall, can contribute to one of three different levels of funding and have their name or family name engraved on a plaque that will permanently be displayed in Memorial Hall. Which tier of support are you considering? *
Once the plaque has been designed and character lengths are determined, we will follow up and confirm the wording of your inscription. For planning purposes, what inscription are you thinking at this time? *
What was your inspiration to support this program?
Would you be interested in letting us share why you are supporting this program to inspire other people? 
Auswahl löschen
Comments or questions?
Best way for us to follow up with you *
Thank you for your support! The Friends of Melrose Memorial Hall, our community, and veterans appreciate your support!

Checks can be sent at anytime -  payable to Friends of Melrose Memorial Hall 
c/o Nancy Brincheiro 14 Geneva Road, Melrose, MA 02176  
via paypal at this link: Friends of Melrose Memorial Hall PayPal

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