Regathering Survey
Please fill out this short survey to help the church plan for our in-person services from May onwards.
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Have you attended NSCBC before in person?
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How many are in your household?
What ages are represented in your household?
How comfortable do you feel meeting in the sanctuary? (40 people, socially distanced, wearing masks)
Answer for how you feel right now, as we understand the answers to these questions will change for some people over the coming weeks and months.
Not comfortable at all
Very comfortable
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How comfortable do you feel meeting in the Family Room (gym)? (46 people, socially distanced, wearing masks)
Answer for how you feel right now, as we understand the answers to these questions will change for some people over the coming weeks and months.
Not comfortable at all
Very comfortable
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How comfortable do you feel meeting outdoors on the lawn? (up to 150 people, socially distanced, wearing masks)
Answer for how you feel right now, as we understand the answers to these questions will change for some people over the coming weeks and months.
Not comfortable at all
Very comfortable
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On May 9th, how likely will it be that you will register to attend the service at the church and sit indoors?
Not likely at all
Extremely likely
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On May 9th, how likely will it be that you will register to attend the service at the church and sit outdoors?
Not likely at all
Extremely likely
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Of the following options, what is the most likely way you will worship with us on May 9th?
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How likely would you be to invite a friend or neighbor to attend an in-person service with you in the next few months?
Not likely
Extremely likely
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Click the factors that are most important for you in deciding to attend an in-person service at the church in the future
Can select multiple, but limit it to the 4 or 5 you feel most strongly about, or select none if none of these are factors for you.
Would you be willing to volunteer in some way to help make these services possible?
If you select yes, send an email separately to
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What service times would you be able to attend?
Could attend
Could not attend
Is my preferred time
Share any aspects of worship in the past year that have been meaningful to you that you would like to see brought forward and included in some way in our larger gathered worship.
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