The OsmAnd Birthday Quiz
OsmAnd is celebrating its 13th anniversary! On this occasion, we would like to make a gift to our users who have been with us for a long time. Answer at least five questions of our QUIZ correctly, and you will get a gift!

The questions vary in the number of points you can get for a correct answer.

Sum of points:
25-30 - get OsmAnd Pro for 3 months
15-24 - get OsmAnd Pro for 1 month

We will only use your email to send the link for OsmAnd Pro activation.
Email *
1.  Which feature isn't available in OsmAnd app? *
5 points
2. Where is the OsmAnd team located? *
3 points
3. What is the OpenStreetMap editing plugin for? *
2 points
4. What does this POI icon mean? *
4 points
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5. What do the symbols in the picture mark? *
5 points
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6. Which Map style is this?
3 points
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7. What do these lines and numbers mean? *
3 points
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8. London is the capital of ...  ? *
2 points
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9. What tool do you see here?
2 points
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10. What opens up when you click on the orange POIs? *
1 point
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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