Spark Joshi Puroresu Sponsorship Application
Spark Joshi Puroresu was created as the first US brand dedicated to bringing the best elements of Japanese women's pro wrestling (Joshi Puroresu) to America.

Become a sponsor to show your support for the growth of Joshi Puroresu in the United States!

Contributions to Spark Joshi Puroresu may qualify as a tax deductible donation as we are now fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Please fill out the application form below.
We will then determine whether your contributions would be appropriate for a tax deductible contribution.
(If your contribution would not qualify, we may still contact you to provide alternatives.)
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Email *
First Name (Given Name) *
Last Name (Family Name) *
Name to be Credited as Sponsor *
Please provide the name you would like to be acknowledged under as sponsor (this may be the name of your company/organization if sponsoring on behalf of one, or a nickname/ring name if sponsoring as an individual)
Phone Number
Are you interested in become a sponsor on behalf of a company/organization or as an individual?
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Amount you would like to contribute *
Please either choose a standard sponsorship level or choose "Other" if you would like to contribute a different amount for a different arrangement to be discussed
What payment method do you prefer for making contributions?
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Additional details (optional)
Let us know more about you and/or your company/organization that would like to become a sponsor. Please include any details about your (or your organization's) involvement or interest in Japanese pro wrestling and any relevant experience.
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