9th Grade Course Planning Worksheet
This worksheet is provided to you as a planning guide. This worksheet IS NOT your high school registration, but it will help you be ready when it is time to register in PowerSchool. Students enrolled in a UCPS high school beginning in 9th grade need 28 credits to graduate. Sixteen of these credits come from required courses, and the other 12 are elective credits. Each student takes 8 credits per year while in high school.

The abbreviation "CP" means "College Prep" and does not provide any additional weight for the Grade Point Average (GPA). The phase "Honors" (or abbreviation "H") means that a course will carry an additional half point (0.5) weight for the GPA. The abbreviation "AP" means "Advanced Placement" and means that a course will carry an additional 1.0 weight for the GPA.

Course descriptions for all courses are found in the UCPS Program of Studies linked on this page: https://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/6405.

This planning worksheet is available at https://bit.ly/9thgradeplan.
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If you have applied to an Academic Choice Program (CATA, Health Sciences Academy @ Monroe, IB Pathway, UCEC) you can complete this survey more than once.
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