Survey for Summer Feeding 2021
The Frazier School District will be offering FREE Breakfast and Lunch deliveries and pickups this summer.

Please fill out the survey below if you are interested in receiving free breakfasts and lunches during the summer.  Deliveries and meal pick up will be on THURSDAYS.  This survey is to gage how many students will be signing up at each location.  Times for each delivery location and pick up at the Middle School will be announced when we have meal sign ups at a later date.  

Meal deliveries will be to the following locations:  Newell, Grindstone and Brownsfield Community Center.  Meal pick up will be at the Middle School entrance.  Both meal delivery and meal pick up will be held on Thursdays (times TBD).
Essential personnel will be delivering the meals to the designated locations and will be at the Middle School entrance to handle distribution in an efficient and safe manner, taking into consideration the health, safety and welfare of all involved.

*No one will be allowed in school buildings.

****Please no congregating or hanging around the school campus once meals are picked up.  Also, there will not be any access to any of the buildings at this time.

Date *
Please list your Child's Full Name (you must complete a separate form for each child in your family that is receiving meals). *
Child Grade Level *
Please choose how you would like to receive your child's meals.  Only choose one.  Delivery/pick up day is Thursday.  Times to be announced. *
Does your child have any dietary restrictions? *
If so, please list dietary restrictions.
Please note this is NOT a sign up form.  It is a survey to see how many students are interested and if a delivery is chosen or pick up at the school.   A sign up form will be sent at a later date.  
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