Seeking work when a culture of human rights is missing from the economy makes us vulnerable to income inequality and exploitation.
PAYSLIPBANSA contends that it is illegal for firms to:
1. Advertise vacancies without being upfront about a salary range
2. Demand pay expectations without being upfront first
3. Demand information about an applicants pay history without being upfront about an offer
4. Extort rival employer pay slips or cost-to-company information from job applicants
5. Agree among each other about compensation, either at a specific level or within a range;
6. Agree with another firm about employee benefits
7. Express to competitors that they should not compete aggressively for talent
8. Exchange company-specific information about employee compensation or terms of employment with another
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When prospecting employers are not upfront about pay, a fair wage negotiation is impossible.
Equality, Fairness, Dignity & Respect
Secrecy prevents applicants from knowing if they can afford to take the job. Employers abuse power when they create information advantages for themselves, especially when they are not upfront about pay and demand pay slips. They reduce a competition for talent to wage surveillance and the instituting of income inequality.
Job adverts that use pay secrecy obstruct respect for job seeker dignity, right to equality and fair process.
EQUALITY: when employers choose pay secrecy, does it mean they have more power than workers? *
Secrecy gives employers more power
Secrecy makes power equal
Is it fair for employers to collect pay slips to see how much another  employer paid? *
DIGNITY: Do you agree applicants asked for pay slips are stripped of their right to dignity and fair wage negotiation? *
Not very
Very much
RESPECT: Do you believe job seekers are respected by recruiters when they are forced to divulge all their confidential pay information against their will? *
Any additional comments?
Let's make fair, really fair.
We give voice to the human, the anonymous, the worker, job seeker, women, down trodden and brave. We’re independent of spirit and by inclination. We have claimed the freedom to express unfairness especially with pay at the workplace and never ever have to shut up, so that we can continue giving you urgent, necessary, shape-shifting and mind-expanding fair wage negotiation content about rights.

But now we need your help. We have a responsibility to keep on updating you and identifying exploitative recruiters and employers who abuse power when adopting pay secrecy.

By donating an amount of R30 per month for a year, or as often as you can,  you'll help us #PaySlipBansa, and keep our updates flowing as we prepare to take the exploiting companies to court. If you would prefer and feel able to donate a once-off amount that would be lifesaving.

If you're a job seeker we're here to advise and support for free. Please help us help you more!

Visit our website
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