Nabira Mahavidyalaya,Katol, Master of Science(M.Sc) Semester-I
EXAMINATION SUMMER -2020      CH-104  Paper IV(Analytical Chemistry)
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Note-(1) All questions are compulsory(40). Each questions carry 2 marks.  (2) Time: 1 Hour,                        Maximum Marks-80
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1) The arithmetic average of a replicate set of results.
2 points
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2) The nearness of a measurement or result to the true value known as------
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3) The numerical difference between the highest and lowest results in a set called as-----
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4) How many significant figures are in 25.60?
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5) -------------includes faulty equipment, uncalibrated weights and uncalibrated volumetric glassware.
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6)Determinate errors is also known as-------
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7) Calculate the median for the following data     61.45,61.51,61.12 and 61.40
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8) The result of the arithmetical operation 21.1 X 0.029 X 83.2 expressed to the correct number of significant figures is-----
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9) ------------ errors represents the experimental uncertainty that occurs in many measurement made by the same analyst under virtually identical conditions and they cannot be predicted or estimated.
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10.The square of the standard deviation is known as------
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11) The distribution of a solute between two immiscible solvents is governed by:
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12) The common locating agent used to identify amino acids:
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13) The basis of separation in ion-exchange chromatography is
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14) A mixture of chloride and bromide ions can be separated by making use of a:
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15) Paper chromatography is a form of partition chromatography in which the stationary phase is ----
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16) For identification purposes, in chromatography the spots are characterized by their -----------factor.
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17) Chromatographic techniques are based on four different sorption mechanisms,namely surface adsorption,partition,ion exchange and ----------------.
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18) The supports useful in TLC are.
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19) Almost all the solvents which have been used in---------chromatography, can also be used in adsorption TLC
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20) Numerous combinations are possible for the mobile phase in paper chromatography. These include
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21) The indicator methylorgange works in the pH range
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22) Basicity of an acid is the number of replaceable ---------------atoms present per molecule.
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23) Murexide, a metal ion indicator is used in ----------------titrations.
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24) Which analytical method is based on the weight on the ppt?
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25) Which sentence is false about Gravimetric  analysis?
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26) How many types of gravimetric analysis?
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27) Precipitation methods in gravimetric analysis is ----
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28) Volatilizations methods in gravimetric analysis is ----
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29) --------------is a suitable indicator for the titration of strong acid and weak alkali.
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30) --------------is a suitable indicator for the titration of weak  acid and strong alkali.
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31) Potentiometry is a technique used to determine the amount of substance in solution by measuring the electromotive force:
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32) The emf measured between a single indicator electrode and a single reference electrode is the
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33) An electrode with a constant emf used in conjunction with an indicator electrode is a
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34) Which of the following statements are correct
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35) For potentiometric methods
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36) A conductance measurements, requires.
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37)In conductance measurements, the platinum electrodes are ordinarily platinised
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38) Which is not application of Conductometry?
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39) If the ion sizes decrease in the solutions
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40)  In conductometry solution if temp. is increase by 1ºc
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