Secret #3: Creating Strategies To Reach Kids
Thank you for watching the Webinar "How to Reach Struggling and Distant Kids."

Now it's time to Tailor Strategies for YOUR CLASS and YOUR STUDENTS!

Here's How We Can Do This:
Complete the Questions Below (It Should Take You 2 Minutes)
Our Team at Education Development Institute will work on developing Live Group Sessions for Teachers who answer the questions below!

(There are 100 Spots Per Live Webinar)
So if you want more specific help with a LIVE Education Coach, then we need you to SHARE this FREE Webinar with as many teachers as you know. Email your school staff, tell your principal, post on social media. The more Teachers that watch the FREE 30 Minute Webinar and complete this survey form the FASTER we can develop LIVE Webinars to help you.

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Hi (Name)
I just watched an amazing Webinar that helped me figure out why some of my strategies were not working with my students and how to create better strategies that will help them pay more attention, get into less trouble and also improve their overall grade in my class.
The amazing thing was this webinar was 100% Free. Just register at this webpage:
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(Your Name)
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Yes or No: Do You Agree that the reason Teacher Strategies Do Not Work is Because of a False Belief System? *
Which Answer Makes the Most Sense to you... What do you think is the #1 Reason that holds your students back from being an "A" student? *
Express Yourself... Tell Us How We Can Help You Create New Strategies in Class? What are the obstacles you face, the challenges you need to overcome and what specifically you "wish" someone could do for you to help you reach more kids? *
Teacher Class Goals...(Not Every Teacher is the Same) Which of the following best describes the One Goal that you NEED the Most help and support with? *
Building a World For Teachers... If a Teacher Online Community Existed, What Would Be Your Top Priorities? *
Very Important
Not Important
Having Unlimited Access to Lesson Plans
Having Unlimited Access to Professional Development Videos
Having A Private Teacher Chat Forum
Having Access to Strategies for Teacher Advocacy
Having Access to Strategies for Teacher Evaluations
Having Access to Strategies for Advancing My Career
Having Access to Strategies to Make Extra Side Money
Teacher Opinion...The Only Way to Create a World that Respects Teachers is to Allow Teachers to Give Their Professional Opinion. Q: In Your District, what is the Biggest Obstacle You Personally Face to Reach Your Career Goals? (State Your Career Goal First, then explain what is standing in your way) *
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