Stony Brook Data Privacy Form
We are required by law to protect student privacy when using any application that may collect personally identifiable information (PII). All tools collecting PII are required to sign a privacy agreement with WPS. When this is not possible, parental permission for each student is required.
Some of the most educational apps teachers and students find useful that have not signed the agreement with WPS are listed below.
This form is to request permission for your child to use any one or more of these apps for educational purposes while they are students at the Stony Brook School.  This only needs to be signed and submitted once for their time at Stony Brook.

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Email *
Name of Student *
The list below are apps students may use for educational purposes while at Stony Brook.  They will use these apps in conjunction with their school Google account.  By checking the box, you are giving permission to use the app(s) for educational purposes. *
Child's Date of Birth *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Consent (Please read carefully) *
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