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II.DRWC_Feedback on Courses and Curriculum from Students
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Whether the goals and objectives of the College are in tune with changing scenario ?
Your answer
Whether any modification is necessary in institution goals
Your answer
Does the present education system providing quality education
Your answer
How frequently the syllabus should be reviewed
Your answer
Whether there is any urgent need to review syllabus at UG/PG level
Your answer
Whether the syllabus of the course is challenging or not
Your answer
Whether the syllabus of the course is easy or difficult
Your answer
Whether the present depth of the course content is sufficient of not
Your answer
Whether inter disciplinary programmes are to be added in the curriculum
Your answer
Is there any urgent need to introduce new subjects replacing one of the conventional subject at UG/PG level
Your answer
"Whether the present practical system introduced —.needs any further modification•"
Your answer
In view of far reaching changes of National and global level is there any urgent need to change the Curriculum
Your answer
Whether the programmes that are being run in the college at UG/PG level are beneficial to students
Your answer
Whether new programmes are to be introduced from the next academic year at UG/PG level
Your answer
Suggest three important UG/PG programmes to be introduced from next academic year
Your answer
Is there any necessity to start Curriculum Development Committee to monitor the progress of all programmes
Your answer
Do you think the syllabus is meeting the Industry requirements
Your answer
Is there necessity to include values and personality development
Your answer
Do the course content develop analytical skills
Your answer
Any other suggestion for improvements of our college
Your answer
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