Institute of Inquiry Classes Survey
Your feedback helps us ensure our programming is thoughtfully planned with your students, preferences, interests & schedules in mind. If you are willing, we'd love a few minutes of your time to hear more about how we can best serve our community.
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이메일 *
What grade will your student be entering for the 2023-24 school year?
If you plan to enroll students in two different grade levels, you can submit 2 survey responses. 
What subjects/educational content do you and/or your student most want to explore this year? 

Check ALL that Apply.
Schedule & Time Preferences

Please check ALL hours your student is able to attend classes/doesn't have conflicts.
Unavailable this day
What did you value the most from 2022-23 classes? *
Not important to me
Moderately important to me
Extremely Important
Support for Social-Emotional skill-building, negotiating peer conflict, etc
Exposure to new Visual Arts forms/skills/tools
Opportunities to perform or share work to a wider audience
Safe space to learn
Ability for my student to grow resilience with challenges
Integration of commonly-challenging subjects with the Arts (Ex., Math + Visual Art, or Film + Writing)
What do you most want your student to gain from classes at the Institute of Inquiry?
What do you most want to gain from enrolling your student in classes at the Institute of Inquiry?
Thank you sincerely for submitting your feedback. You are the very reasons we exist, and we want our program to evolve along with the needs of our student & family community. Please feel free to share any additional desires, comments, or suggestions here.
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