2020 IFN Online Summer Program
This program is a 4 week long session ( June21st thru July 15th), from Monday to Thursday 11:00pm to 1:00pm, the program will be through Zoom.
The fee will be $150 for your first child, $100 for the 2nd child and $80 for the third child.
For any further questions reach out to Samina Anwar 847-770-8990, Ejaz Qazi 847-532-2114.

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Payment Options

1. Check drop off at masjid on Mon, Wed and Fri(Student/Parent name in Memo summer program 2020)
2. Via IFN website: https://ifnonline.com/donate
3. Via Quickpay with Zelle: donate@ifnonline.com
4. Via Paypal (person should have a Paypal account to pay) : https://www.paypal.me/donateIFN?locale.x=en_US 

Student Name
Student age
Parent Name and Phone
Parent Email
Emergency Contact Name (s) and Phone Number (s)
Any recommendations for online Summer Program
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