Maryland Potluck Dinner with Governor of Guam
Danny and Terri Smith invite the Chamorro community in the Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area for a meet and greet and potluck dinner with the Governor of Guam  I Maga'håga Guåhan Lourdes Aflague Leon Guerrero on Friday, February 7, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at their home located in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Event Address: Residence of Danny and Terri Smith (Familian Kalu yan Fungu; Taotao Otdot, Guam)

*Email for address and directions if needed.

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What are the names of people attending with you?
If you plan on bringing a dish for the potluck, please provide name and any major ingredients. A food label with main ingredients will be provided for your dish.
Please, bring all food items in foil pans if possible.
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