Open Call for Entertainers, Crafters
The Center City District seeks to commission local musicians, DJs and crafters to participate in various public programs at Dilworth Park and Sister Cities Park throughout 2020. For a more detailed description of the events listed below visit- Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2020 at 3 p.m.

Interested applicants 21 and older should fill out the form below. Compensation will be discussed individually. Events are weather permitting and subject to change.

CCD’s event producers will evaluate all proposals based on the experience and quality of the performers and compatibility with the goals and objectives of the event. CCD reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.    
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Call for Submissions
Please check the programs you are interested in being considered for on the form below.
Potential opportunities for musicians and DJs include: *
Potential opportunities for crafters and vendors include: *
Contact Information
Contact Name *
Contact City, State, ZIP
Contact Email *
Contact Phone *
Business Information
Performer, Group or Business Name *
Address (If different than contact address)
City, State, ZIP (If different than contact City,State, ZIP)
Phone (If different than contact phone)
Other Links (Please specify Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, Sound Cloud, etc.)
Business Type *
Please provide information below on the type of music you perform or products you sell, and where they are produced. *
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