Powering Communities Fund 2025

We are thrilled to announce our seventh round of the Powering Communities Fund! Your community energy group can apply for up to £3,750 in the form of a grant.

This year, we welcome applications which focus on creating any or all of these themes:

  • Community Engagement (Outreach and Participation)
  • Environmental Impact
  • Educational and Awareness-Raising Initiatives
  • Collaboration and Partnerships
  • Innovation and Creativity

Whether you want to create a resource for your local community, run an event for young people, or even start a community garden - no matter what your idea is, we want you to apply!

Please apply by 5pm on Friday 28th March 2025. For any queries, please email connie@younity.coop.

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Powering Communities Fund Criteria
Please see below to find out if your group meets the criteria for funding. Applications will only be considered from a community energy group or organisation which has a current or upcoming Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Younity or have made use of our Kickstart Loan facility.
  • Groups must be either a community energy group or community energy organisation holding a bank account in the name of that group; evidence of this must be made available if requested.
  • Non-community energy groups or organisations that don’t have a current or upcoming PPA with Younity, or have never used Younity’s Kickstart Loan facility are excluded from applying for this funding.
  • The person making the application for funding must be an officer of (or have a direct ongoing involvement with) the group, evidence of this must be made available if requested.
  • The group must be based and working in Great Britain.
  • We cannot support groups promoting or linked to political issues or organisations.
  • Religious worship - the Powering Communities Fund welcomes applications from religious or faith groups for projects that are designed to benefit the wider community. However, projects that are deemed to promote (or exclude) a particular religion are excluded from the fund.
  • Groups who have been successful in receiving funding for a project from the last set of distributions will be allowed to apply again, however, the application will need to be for a new project that is separate from their previous application.
Examples of what can be funded are:
  • The purchase of equipment
  • The costs of putting on a local event or workshop
  • Staff costs to enable the employment of individuals
  • The cost of attending a conference or event which provides training for volunteers
  • Additional activities to expand an existing project
  • Support for an organisation to achieve a quality or other standard, relevant to their activities
  • Assisting the development of a local service or venue for the good of the community
  • Funding for trips abroad or overseas activities
  • Funding for party political activities
  • Funding for groups that promote or exclude a particular religion
Ultimately, although Younity will review the award according to these criteria (as amended from time to time), it remains an overriding discretion by our independent panel of judges to award those organisations that it considers most appropriate and deserving.

Powering Communities Fund Terms & Conditions
By accepting a grant from the Powering Communities Fund you confirm that you have read, understand and agree to the following terms and conditions.

  • We will only spend the fund for the purposes outlined in our application unless we have received written confirmation from Younity that we can apply the fund for other purposes.
  • If, for any reason, the fund (or any part of it) is not spent within 12 months of its receipt, the unspent funds will be repaid promptly to Younity.
  • We certify that the information contained in the application is correct and that the officer or other person signing the application is duly authorised by the organisation to accept these conditions on its behalf.
  • The money received from this fund will only be used for activities or purchases committed or undertaken after the date that this fund is received by us (i.e. it will not fund any retrospective costs).
  • Younity may withhold or require repayment of the fund if:
  1. it appears that we have provided false information or there is fraud or material failings of governance in relation to the fund or our organisation more generally;
  2. the work undertaken is not the work for which the fund has been approved;
  3. we become insolvent or go into administration, receivership or liquidation (in which case any part of the fund not spent at that time shall be repaid).
  • The fund is made on a ‘one-off’ basis and does not carry any commitment to future funding.
  • If there is a change in (or departure from the organisation of) the officer or other person responsible for managing the project for which the fund is provided or there is a material change in the circumstances of our organisation, we will inform Younity immediately.
  • We accept that Younity will, under no circumstances, be liable for any damage, injury or loss of any kind whatsoever to any property or persons occurring as a result of activities undertaken with this fund.
  • We will ensure that all necessary permits and licenses (including CRB/DBS checks) have been obtained for any event or project funded by the fund and that the event or project complies with all relevant regulations including Home Office or other regulations regarding immigration and asylum seekers.
  • We acknowledge we cannot sell or dispose of any equipment or other assets funded or part-funded by the fund without the prior written consent of Younity. If any equipment or assets are sold within their working life without such undertaking, Younity can ask for a percentage of the original fund to be repaid.
  • We will keep appropriate financial records and accounts including receipts for items bought with the fund for at least six years and these will be made available to Younity if requested.
  • We agree to complete an End of Fund feedback upon completion of our activity/project (this will be an automatic prompt to complete the detail at the end of your project) and to provide such interim information regarding the fund as Younity may request.
  • We give permission for Younity to record the information in the application electronically and to contact our organisation by phone, mail or email with regards to the application.
  • We consent to the information set out in the application being held by Younity and shared with other organisations affiliated with it and for details of our organisation and the grant to be used for purposes of marketing, analysis, administration and other related activities by Younity and its partners.

By submitting this information, you are agreeing to the terms of the Powering Communities Fund. Please tick the boxes below to confirm that you have read and agreed to the following:

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