Urban Shadows: London Calling
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What's a cool thing that happened in a TTRPG you've played (in person / online / PBP)? *
What's a moment you created in a TTRPG you're really proud of (in person / online / PBP)? *
Are you over 18 years old? *
Are you comfortable with elements of horror in your game? *
If you answered "some" to the previous question what are you NOT comfortable with?
The rain falls in a thin, relentless drizzle, painting the slick cobblestones of Shoreditch in streaks of dim amber from flickering streetlights. Neon signs hum softly above shuttered bars and graffiti-scrawled alleys, their colors bleeding into puddles at your feet. The air smells of wet brick, old smoke, and something faintly metallic — blood, perhaps. A shadow lingers at the alley’s mouth, too still to be human, watching. You feel the weight of its gaze like a hook under your skin. A low voice, rough and unfamiliar, calls from the dark: "You've been dancing around the edges too long. It's time to pick a side — or have one picked for you." The silence after hangs heavy, daring you to step forward.  

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