Comini Facilitator Quick Learner: Scaffolding
This should take under 3 minutes and is designed to get you thinking about scaffolding. What that means and does not mean and how one might use in daily practice. Assume that all scenarios involve a class of 5-7 year olds
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Scenario 1: Leela is teaching a class about the water cycle. She wants to ensure that her students can grasp the concepts of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection in a way that is both engaging and comprehensible to them. To bring this complex topic to life, Leela plans to use a combination of visual aids, hands-on activities, and group discussions. Question: After introducing the water cycle through a colorful diagram and a short video explaining each stage, Leela wants to reinforce her students' understanding and assess their grasp of the topic. She considers the following strategies for her next teaching step. Which ones would be most effective in helping her students understand the water cycle conceptually? *
Scenario 2:

Leela is teaching her about local biodiversity, focusing on the types of plants and animals found in and around Mumbai. She aims to instill an appreciation for nature and understanding of the local ecosystem. To make the topic engaging, Leela plans to use storytelling, outdoor activities, and interactive discussions.


After an initial lesson that included a storytelling session about the forests of Sanjay Gandhi National Park and the mangroves of Mumbai, Leela wants to deepen her students' connection to the topic and assess their understanding. She contemplates the following strategies for her next teaching step. What would be most effective in helping her students connect with the concept of biodiversity?

Scenario 3:

Seno is teaching basic geometry, focusing on understanding shapes and their properties. She wants to ensure her students can identify and differentiate between various shapes such as squares, triangles, circles, and rectangles. To make this concept tangible and engaging, Seno plans to use a mix of physical objects, interactive activities, and visual illustrations.


After introducing the basic shapes by showing examples and discussing their properties (like the number of sides and corners), Seno wants to deepen her students' understanding and assess their ability to recognize and categorize these shapes. She contemplates the following strategies for his next step. Which ones would be most effective for helping his students solidify their understanding of geometry through practical application?

Scenario 4:

Seno is planning a lesson on environmental conservation for her class. She aims to highlight the importance of recycling, reducing waste, and conserving water to protect the environment. Seno wants to use real-life examples, interactive activities, and reflective discussions to make the topic relatable and understandable for her young students.


After introducing the topic with a short story about a local community that successfully implemented a recycling program, Seno considers the following strategies to further develop her students' understanding and engagement with environmental conservation. Which two would most effectively deepen their grasp of the importance of recycling and conservation?

Scenario 5:

Leela is preparing a lesson on the basics of plant biology for her class. She plans to introduce them to the parts of a plant and their functions, focusing on roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. Leela aims to make the lesson interactive and engaging by incorporating various teaching aids and activities that cater to the diverse learning needs of her students.


After introducing the parts of a plant through a colorful presentation and a story about a seed's journey into a flowering plant, Leela considers the following strategies to reinforce and expand her students' understanding. While all the options are correct and beneficial, identify the two that specifically involve scaffolding techniques.

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