हम Prithvi से
Hey there! Thanks for your interest in our workshop series, 'हम Prithvi से' where we learn, unlearn & share our thoughts, experiences and knowledge on how to live consciously on our only planet Earth.

Please fill up this form to register. The payment method details are given below.

Workshop Fees:
1 workshop = 500/-
1 weekend i.e 2 consecutive workshops = 900/-
3 workshops = 1400/-
6 workshops = 2500/-
12 workshops = 4200/-

Participants who sign up for 12 workshops will receive a complimentary starter kit to help you embrace an Earth-friendly lifestyle.

If you miss a workshop there will be no refunds and neither will the workshop be repeated again.  

Another note - Since we're all home courtesy the pandemic, if another person is joining you for a workshop then the fee for that additional person will be 200/- for that particular workshop since they will also be learning and getting value out of the workshop.

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Email *
Name *
Phone number to receive Google Meet link & updates via WhatsApp. (If you don't use WhatsApp, please specify mode of communication) *
Select the workshop/workshops you'd like to sign up for. You can sign up for any of these as package or select any of your choice:                                                            1 workshop = 500/-                                                                   1 weekend i.e 2 consecutive workshops = 900/-                              3 workshops = 1400/-                                                                   6 workshops = 2500/-                                                                                                                                                                                           *
If there is anything specific you'd like us to cover in our workshops do share your thoughts here.
- UPI payments via  PAYTM / GPay : 9920218773 or giftgreenindia@okaxis                                                                  -Bank account details : Account No. 10002687097 -Bank : IDFC first bank  -  IFSC code : IDFB0040105 Name : Gift Green  ( Please share a screenshot with one of the contact numbers above.)
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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