Taking Flight Next Level Spring 2024 Program Sign-Up
Sessions will be held every Saturday morning starting February 10th through May 4th with no class March 30th or April 6th. Drop-off is 9 am and pick-up is 12 pm. Enrollment is open to Middle and High School students. 

For questions filling out this form, please contact Jaria Gordon at kidsmakeitky@gmail.com or Tina Brouwer at tina@redoaksforestschool.org

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Participants First Name *
Participants Last Name *
Participants Address (Street Number, Street Name, City, State, Zip code) *
Participant Age *
Parents First Name *
Parents Last Name *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Telephone *
Participants School Attended *
Participants Grade *
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