Become a RTCW "Petition Location"!
If your business or nonprofit understands how important clean water is to all aspects of our lives, and supports the Right to Clean Water ballot initiative, please let us know so we can list you on our website and thank you publicly on social media.  
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
What is the name of your business? *
If you have a logo, have you sent it to *
What is a "Right to Clean Water Petition Location"?
If you are able to become a petition location, it would mean you have a stack of blank petitions for registered voters to sign and leave with you.  Or, there may be some who wish to drop their signed petition off at your location.  We would need to register someone at your business / organization as a RTCW Ambassador for proper accountability of the signed petitions as well.  Finally, if you do agree to be a petition location, you will receive a sign you can post on your window or another location designating you as a "RTCW Petition Location" which will express your support of the Right to Clean Water initiative.  (Other details such as a drop box, size / design of the sign, etc. can be worked out with your regional director.)
Would you be willing to be a "petition location"? *
If so, who will be designated a RTCW Ambassador? *
What is that person's email address (so we can send the registration form)? *
What is the mailing address of your location?  (If you'd like to offer multiple locations of your business, please list those addresses as well!) *
County? *
Region?  (Please see "About Us" on our website!) *
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
Effacer le formulaire
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