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Intensive Personal Training Program
Training with Shifu Kanishka
Date February 1 to 10, 2022
Duration – 10 Days 4 hrs per day
Location G 12 Sector 27 Noida
* Indicates required question
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Phone number
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Guardians Mobile number
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Select Martial Arts Form
Pekiti Tirsia Kali
Shifu Kanishka Combatives
Rapid Assault Tactics
Muay Chaiya
Shaolin Kung fu
Have you trained in martial arts before? If yes, which form and for how many years?
Your answer
Do you have any injuries, pain, allergies or health condition we should know about?
Your answer
How can we contact you? Your preferred mode of communication is
WhatsApp message
Your answer
Any feedback for us or anything you want to share about yourself.
Your answer
# Training Dress Code: Warm & comfortable Training attire comfortable shoes# You are requested to consult your doctor in case you suffer from any ailments that could be worsened due to training# STI will not be responsible for any injuries occurred during the training
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