Intensive Personal Training Program
Training with Shifu Kanishka
Date February 1 to 10, 2022
Duration – 10  Days 4 hrs per day
Location G 12 Sector 27 Noida
Name *
Age *
Phone number *
Guardians Mobile number *
Email *
Select Martial Arts Form *
Have you trained in martial arts before? If yes, which form and for how many years? *
Do you have any injuries, pain, allergies or health condition we should know about? *
How can we contact you? Your preferred mode of communication is *
City *
Any feedback for us or anything you want to share about yourself.
# Training Dress Code: Warm & comfortable Training attire comfortable shoes# You are requested to consult your doctor in case you suffer from any ailments that could be worsened due to training# STI will not be responsible for any injuries occurred during the training *
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