2022 RARA Hamfest Volunteer Form
Saturday, June 4th, 2022, 0530-1400 Hrs.

The Rochester Hamfest will be held at the Hilton Exempt Club 137 South Ave Hilton, NY.  Map https://goo.gl/maps/ARAwGCmZMjF2.   We are looking for volunteers in all of the areas listed below both on the day of the event and for planning functions.  For up to date information look at https://rochesterham.org/hamfest.htm.  Please note: for volunteers serving for 3 hours or more, you will receive complimentary admission, hamfest T-shirt, and a food voucher!

This form will be used to collect Amateur Radio volunteer support information used by The Hamfest Producers before and during the event, and to coordinate assignments to the various radio amateur volunteer roles.  Information provided will only be sent to the producer's team.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Call Sign *
If unlicensed, please enter "None".
Email Address *
Day of Event mobile number (use dashes) *
This is a ph.number that the hamfest producers can use to contact you on the day of the event if we are unable to reach you via the radio.  If there is none, enter "none"
Can the above number accept text messages?
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Regular Phone number (use dashes)
Are you a member of any of the following clubs? *
T-Shirt Size
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Radio Capabilities
Please check all radio capabilities that you will have available to you for the day of the event.
Volunteer Roles (Check all that you might be interested in)
Health Considerations *
Do you have any limitations which may prevent you from being assigned to certain roles? If so, please explain below or indicate "None" if there are no health considerations
Emergency Contact Information *
Please provide a name, phone number(s), and relationship to you of an emergency contact person, to be used if you are taken ill.
Time Commitment
Please indicate when you would be able to help.  Check as many blocks as you would like.  Your generosity of time will help make this event a big success!
Please leave any other comments, questions, or concerns below.
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