CFA Society Pittsburgh - Job Board Request
This form is to submit a request for a job posting to our channels. Please read the following information before filling out this form.

Our job board will get you captive attention of 500+ active charterholders within the Greater Pittsburgh and Northern WV network, as well as 1000+ active candidates and students from over 15 area universities!
Aside from our captive members, you will also have dedicated space on our website, as well as a spot on our newsletter, and exposure to our social media followers. 

Job postings are $150, and will stay posted until the job is filled or for 90 days, whichever comes first. 

We accept payment in the form of check or credit card. 

Any questions can be directed to

Thank you for your interest!
Contact person for this job posting
(There will be a separate option below if the job contact or recruiter is different from the submitter)
Contact person email address *
Phone number
Firm where job is posted *
Job title of the posting you would like to appear as a header
Link to the job posting
Who should interested parties reach out to for this job posting?  *
Where should we send an invoice to? 

If paying by check, please write "check"
Is there anything else we should know?
Thank you for your interest in supporting the mission of CFA Society Pittsburgh! 
Any questions can be directed to
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