Photo Shoots at Mt Airy Orchards
Photographers, please submit this form at least 2 weeks prior to your scheduled photo shoot.
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Name of Photographer: *
Phone Number: *
Email Address: *
Date You Would like to Visit: *
Time You Would like to Visit (must be between 9am and 6pm on Tuesdays-Saturdays or 12pm and 5pm on Sundays): *
Link to your business website and/or facebook page: *
I understand that I must stay in areas of the farm that are open to guests and neither I nor the people I am photographing will enter other areas of the farm. *
I understand that I may choose to not send any pictures and simply pay the deposit in exchange for the use of the orchard or I will email at least 2 logo-free pictures from each photo shoot that fit the description below that may be used for the sole purpose of marketing Mt Airy Orchards (social media posts, website use, or brochures) in order to receive a refund of my deposit. The pictures must be people enjoying the activities, picking apples and/or pumpkins, enjoying a wagon ride, or something very specific to the orchard that makes it clear people are at Mt Airy Orchards. Close up pictures of families that do not "show off" the farm as well as the people will not be accepted for a return on deposit. *
If requesting a refund of the deposit, I will bring along or email a statement from the adults (age 18 and older) in the photo shoots specifically stating that they grant permission for Mt Airy Orchards to use these photos online or in print form for the purpose of marketing. If there are any minors in the photos, I will bring along or email a signed statement by a parent or legal guardian that Mt Airy Orchards may use the photo. *
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