This is the official form for ordering Merch in 2022-2023. Keep in mind that what you fill in here will be what is ordered. Carefully check if your sizes match up, and if you selected the merch you wish to order. All products we order in this round of merch are unisex options and carefully chosen to fit as comfortably for all as possible.
Important Information:
- All prices listed down below are on a minimum order basis. This means that if we get less orders for an item, we unfortunately are unable to order them (and your money will be fully refunded). If we get more orders we will get a discount, which means prices are cheaper and you get the difference refunded.
- We will not take your order into consideration unless you have paid the total amount (as indicated on each merch item) to the Link bank account before the 31st of January 23:59. Title the payment: "{Your Full Name} Merch" to make tracking easier.
The Link IBAN is NL17 RABO 0309 8220 17
If you have any questions regarding the merch itself, the process or how we deal with payments feel free to reach out to João (+351 927 449 344), Leo (+49 172 8966280), Joost (+31 6 37529626)