SciChart: Educational, Research and University licensing application
Apply here to join over 150 leading institutes for free licensing under SciCharts sponsorship and partnership scheme for non-commerical educational and research iniatives.
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What is your name?
What organisation are you from?
What is your email? Please use your organisational email
What is your phone number? This can be a personal or department phone number. Please ensure you include country codes and area numbers.
What is your position within this organisation?
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Please provide information on your position e.g. your job title or research level (Bachelors degree, Doctorate etc)
How will you use SciChart? Please provide as much information as you can, including not just the project but also the chart types. Unfortunately we are unable to approve applications without a detailed use case.
Why have you selected SciChart and what other options did you look at? Please detail if this is performance related, feature related or a combination of multiple factors.
What products would you like? If selecting more than one option, we will supply a bundle license
How many licenses will you need? For more than one license please let us know who will make use of the licenses, who will be responsible for managing the licenses and why multiple licenses are needed.
In return for our free educational, research and univeristy licensing we ask that all licensees provide updates on their project, reference SciChart in any and all publications, pass SciCharts details onto any commercialisation that may occur and where possible/applicable, display SciChart as a sponsor or partner of the program on websites or materials.

Updates should include images or videos of projects with an appropriate write up to demonstrate how SciChart was used and what benefit or improvement SciChart made both in your sector and the wider impacts which. This material may be used on our website or case studies section for marketing purposes.

All licenses provided under this agreement are strictly not for commercial use and may only be used for research or academia.

Free licensing is not eligible for support however our full suite of documentation and public forums are accesible.

Upon receipt of your free software, we ask that you announce SciChart High Performance Charting and Data Visualisation as a sponsor.

Do you agree to the above?
Please leave any extra comments here
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