2023 Scouting for Food Report
Thank you for participating in the 2023 Scouting for Food Drive.  Your efforts are an important part of addressing food insecurity in our Central Indiana communities.

Please complete the following information to share with us info about your collection and to provide the info that we need to send Scouting for Food patches to your unit.
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E-mail *
Type of Unit *
Unit Number *
District *
How many items of food did you collect? *
The item count is based on
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How many total service hours did your unit log?  (We will input this into the service hour system).
How many Cub Scouts participated in the food drive? *
How many Boy Scouts participated in the food drive? *
How many Venturers participated in the food drive? *
How many leaders and parents participated in the food drive? *
Please enter the name and address of the person to whom we should deliver the SOF patches.  There will be one patch for each participant, including leaders and parents. *
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