Apply to Join Shake Up the Establishment
We're so excited that you're interested in joining our team!

At Shake Up the Establishment, we are working to cultivate the next generation of climate leaders and to us, that means leaders who put justice at the centre of climate activism. We believe in the importance of centring the impact of climate change and environmental degradation on humans as fundamentally necessary in our advocacy, thus we believe in championing climate justice work.

Alongside your volunteer role SUTE, all members are required to participate in our monthly active learning club meetings where we meet in subgroups with people from across our organization, and discuss the materials we were assigned to read/watch/listen to for the month. This is in an effort to continually unlearn and relearn, stay up to date on current events, and to ensure our work is cognizant of the historic and present-day systems of oppression, as we strive towards decolonizing the field of educational resource creation and political advocacy in what is currently Canada. 

If you'd prefer to submit an application in an alternate format, or if you require accommodated application materials, please contact us at

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Before you begin, we want to frame this application in a manner that explains our values to you. First and foremost, we have designed this application with the intent of prioritizing lived experiences over academic qualifications. We believe that formal (post-secondary) education is both a privilege not afforded to everyone, and that it is not the only means by which individuals gain the skills or knowledge to be involved in enterprises such as ours. Similarly, we believe it is necessary to continually decolonize application processes, to ensure we can reach those whose voices often go underrepresented in leadership positions and in community advocacy efforts due to a variety of unattainable "qualifications". As such, if you want to join our team, but do not possess the full list of position requirements, we encourage you to apply anyway. If you have a position in mind, and/or a skillset you can offer us outside of the positions outlined, we also encourage you to complete this form.

We encourage and value applications from individuals of all backgrounds and identities on our team. This includes but is not limited to race, gender, sexuality and ability/disability/exceptionalities. We also welcome and greatly value those who can bring different languages beyond English, those who bring lived experiences into their work with us, and those who offer neurodiverse worldviews. Our organization is youth-led, so we encourage those aged 16 and up to apply, and we normally do not onboard those over the age of 30, at the moment.

Above all, we value a willingness to learn, a passion for upholding our goals and mandate, and a skillset with the potential to contribute to our organization and advocacy efforts.

We do not intend for this process to pose barriers, so if you have any recommendations for us about how we can make this process easier, and more inclusive of those with different professional backgrounds, while still prioritizing lived experiences, we are happy to make the necessary changes.
Which position are you applying for, as per the listing on our website? (Please use exact wording) *
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