Grab n Go Survey
We would like to thank the school community for the overwhelming support for the School Breakfast, Lunch and Grab n Go programs.  We have had record numbers of students partipating in all programs..again thank you!  As you may know, next school year we will continue to offer Breakfast and Lunch at no charge to ALL students. The Grab n Go program will also be available for any student that is fully remote!
We will continue to offer  the Grab n Go program over the summer for ALL students.  The first pick up will be Tuesday June 22 and continue each Thursday and Tuesday through the summer.  The last pick up will be on Thursday August 29.  If you would complete the short survey below it will assist us in planning.  The survey will remain active until Monday June 14, 2021.

Thank you,

Littleton Cafeteria Staff
Will you be participating in the Summer Grab n Go Program? *
How many students will you be picking up for? (please use numbers i.e. 1,2,3 etc) *
We will be providing Breakfast and Lunch for seven days. Tuesday pick up will be for Tues-Thurs and Thursday will be Fri-Mon.  Will you be picking up on both days? *
If you are not picking up for both days, which day will you pick up on? *
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