From digital to coaching - Training for trainers using digital entrepreneurship tools portal for face-to-face coaching
The Academy of Entrepreneurship invites you to an engaging 2-day transnational training for trainers that will take place on July 19-20, 2022!

The training is implemented in the context of the EU project ENEU (Empowerneurship for Newcomers in Europe) that aims at helping migrants, displaced people in transition in Europe and those who wish to return to their country of origin to create their own business. This will be achieved through the use of digital devices, and (face-to-face or digital) training/interaction with a trainer/mentor who will be trained on a new  methodology, @Home in Transition.

During the 2-day training, 14 trainers from Greece, Norway, Cyprus, Italy and Austria will be trained on entrepreneurial skills and learning methodologies to be used in the training activities with migrants and people in transition.

Training Date, Time:
* Tuesday, July 19, 9.00 -16.00 EET
* Wednesday, July 20, 9.00 -16.00 EET

Location: Educational Association of Athens 'HFAISTOS', Tsiller 61, 11144 Athens (near Metro station ‘Agios Eleftherios’ – Green line)

Please fill out the questionaire below to express your interest to participate in the 'From digital to coaching - Training for trainers using digital entrepreneurship tools portal for face-to-face coaching' training.

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