Kindergarten Pre-Registration Form 2025/2026
Dear 2025-2026 Kindergarten Families:
It's time to begin our Pre-Registration of the incoming 2025-2026 Kindergarten class.
If your child is currently enrolled in our Pre-K program with Mrs. Merrill or Ms. Baker you do not need to register. Unless we hear otherwise, we will assume that your child will be continuing on to Kindergarten.
All children who reside in Durham and will be 5 years of age on or before October 15, 2025 are eligible for kindergarten in the fall. Screening will take place on Friday, May 2. Please call Debi Bartlett in the main office at 353-9333 to schedule a time for your child’s screening appointment.
We look forward to your child attending Durham Community School.
Will Pidden, Principal
Key Dates:
•Parent Information Night – May 1 at 6:00pm
•Kindergarten Screening – May 2