Nomination for 2022 Agent of Influence Award
Each December, the Tao of The Crown rolls out the Agent of Influence Awards. Getting through the pandemic years has been hard on community groups with decreased community engagement, decreased opportunities to establish a social connection with the community, and decreased opportunities to celebrate the accomplishments made. This year the Agent Of Influence Awards will be bestowed through many kink, lifestyle, and community groups as recognize and celebrate our culture bearers. These awards formally recognize people and organizations whose actions and work impacted you and the culture of our connected lifestyle communities. Please make your nomination below.
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Who would you like to nominate and why?
What is your name or Fetlife name
What is the best way to contact you and the nominated person or organization? *
Are you affiliated with a kink or lifestyle organization? *
If affiliated with a kink or lifestyle organization which one? This would be where you want your award delivered to. 
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