#CaliforniansForAll College Corps Fellowship AY 24/25 Application
We are inviting Fellows from the previous cohorts to reapply if interested. Returning Fellows apply here. We are also seeking applications for new Fellows. This application is for new applicants only.

Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods are excited to open applications for the third cohort of College Corps #CaliforniansForAll Fellowship.  Each College Corps Fellow is placed with a local community non-profit organization that is focused on building a stronger and more resilient society.  Accepted Fellows must commit to serve a total of 450 hours between August 1, 2024, to May 31, 2025 (an average of 15 hours per week, and a minimum of 45 hours/month).  In exchange, they will receive a $7,000 living stipend, excellent work experience, plus a $3,000 Education Award upon successful completion. Applications will be accepted until all spots are filled.  

Fellows will be required to attend a Matching Fair on Thursday, April 25th from 3-6 pm in LIB_202A (Author's Hall on Cal Poly Humboldt Campus) during which they will introduce themselves to Community Partner sites and network with incoming Cohort 3 Fellows. 

Fellow Applications for Cohort 3 have a priority deadline of Friday, March 22, 2024. We will continue to take applications after March 22nd, but once our cohort is filled, applicants will be added to the waitlist.  

If you have any questions, please email the College Corps Team, Shalom Fletcher & Gino Pitino at collegecorps@humboldt.edu or check out our webpage.

Note: The AY 24/25 FAFSA and CADAA will be available to complete by the end of December 2023. This is a requirement, even if you think you do not qualify for either of them, for Financial Aid to determine your financial need and eligibility for our program. 

All Fellows will have to present their FAFSA or CADAA application confirmation number at the time of applying or during the interview process. 

Our application is open and highly encouraged for AB-540 Dreamers to apply! 
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Email *
Below are the eligibility requirements for this College Corps program.  Please check each box that pertains to you.

AB-540 applicants must have a completed and submitted a California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for 2024/25 academic year, be enrolled at a Cal Grant Eligible School, be an active recipient of a Cal Grant B Award for the 2024/25 academic year, have sufficient financial need, and submit a CA DSIG Application to become eligible for Education Award. *AB-540 students will not need to complete the National Service Criminal History Check & Live Scan unless they choose to serve with a Community Partner who requires it.
Legal First Name *
Legal Last Name *
Preferred Name
Student ID Number *
Pronouns (if you would like to share)
Full Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year)
Cell Phone Number *
School Email *
Most Preferred Email 
Major *
Expected Graduation Date *
Which school do you plan to attend in Fall 2024? *
T-Shirt Size  *
Have you completed any of the following forms? 

Reminder: The AY 24/25 FAFSA and CADAA will be available to complete by the end of December 2023. This is a requirement even if you think you do not qualify in order for Financial Aid to determine your financial need. 
Please provide your confirmation number for either the FAFSA or CADAA application. If you have yet to complete the application, please put NA. 
Have you ever volunteered or worked for any community organizations? If so, please list them. *
College Corps will be holding a mandatory "Matching Fair" where you will have the opportunity to meet the Community Partners and indicate your Community Partner site preferences.  Will you be available on attend on April 25th from 3-6pm? *
College Corps Fellows will be expected to keep track of their hours, consistently log their hours onto a given platform, and complete an average of 15 hours/week, or 45 hours a month.  Will your Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 schedule allow for this? (Please consider sports, classes and other jobs or activities.) *
Do you have any other jobs or obligations that will take your time away from College Corps or school?  *
What is your transportation situation? *
How many units to do you plan to take in Fall 2024? *
How many units to do you plan to take in Spring 2025?
Have you ever been on academic notice, or are you close to academic probation (below a 2.0)?
What is your current GPA? *
Our program starts as early as August 1st, 2024. Will you be available to start on August 1st? 

We understand that many people live elsewhere for the summer. College Corps Fellows may begin working as early as August 1st, and we encourage all Fellows to do so. However, Fellows may begin work as late as August 26th, when school starts. We consider August availability when making Community Partner placements.
College Corps Cohort 3 Fellows (AY 24/25) will be required to register for and attend a 1-unit service leadership course. Will you be able to add this course to your schedule? *
Have you served in the military? *
Are you a First-Generation college student? *
Are you fluent in any language other than English?  If so, which language(s)?
What’s your class year for AY 24/25? *
Please provide the name of a faculty or other professional reference: *
Reference Contact Information (phone or email) *
Reference Title (relationship to you) *
How did you hear about College Corps? *
I give California Volunteers College Corps permission to use any Non-Identifiable information that I provide in this application for programming purposes, including promotional or communications purposes. *
I certify that the information provided in this application is accurate. I understand that the withholding of any information sought by this application, or the giving of false information on this application, will result in a refusal of selection, or, if discovered after I am selected, in termination from the program. I hereby grant permission to any person, firm, or corporation to release to College Corps or its representatives any and all information regarding my past service, work, or employment and my background. I waive any and all claims I might have with respect to the providing of such information. *
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