Community Partner Application

We love partnering with organizations and businesses in our community! If you want to be involved with Give A Kid A Chance 2024, Saturday, July 20, please complete this Community Partner Application and we will be in touch soon.

If you want to serve at the event, we will review all applications and send more details once we have selected partners. 

If you cannot serve at the event but would still like to be involved by making a financial contribution, please do so here: Donate

Correo electrónico *
Organization Name *
Who will be the point of contact? *
Point of contact phone number *
Point of contact email address *
How do you want to partner with us? *
At which location(s) do you want to have a resource table?  *
If you are selected to have a resource table at the event, what items will you have available? (Ex. information packets, signage, resources to hand out, candy, small toys, giveaways) *
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