Self-quarantine Information: Covid-19 prevention 2020
Dear Parent, please complete this form fully. Thank you for your cooperation and support at this time. This information is just for our reference and will be kept confidentially. We will contact you by 8am on Tuesday 25th February regarding arrangements for online learning. We will also use these details when your 14 day self-quarantine period is nearly complete to arrange an appointment with the school nurse.
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E-mail *
Name and form of your child(ren): Please include nickname(s) and form/class if you know them. *
Which school does your child or children attend? *
Contact telephone number for you (we will only use this if we need to ask you any questions): *
What countries you have visited within 14 days? *
What date did your child return to Thailand? *
If you haven't visited the above countries, but are self-quarantining, please could you let us know where you went?
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