Medium Writing Academy: Scholarship Application
Thanks for your interest in joining the MWA!

We've set up this scholarship program because we want to empower and support aspiring writers all over the globe to build their digital writing business. And even though we are 100% confident that the MWA is worth its price and much more, we know that in some cases, it's almost impossible to pay the sum due to different currencies and a lower purchasing power.

To apply for the MWA Scholarship, please carefully complete the questions above.

We only grant the scholarship to a handful of students per year and make our decision based on your motivation, effort, and current situation.

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Email *
What's your full name? *
What's your email address? *
What's your Medium profile link? *
Please share at least one link to one of your social media profiles. (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin,..) *
How much would you be willing to pay for the MWA? What's your expectation of the scholarship support? *
What do you write about on Medium? Which topics do you cover and why? *
Where are you currently located? *
Tell us a little bit about yourself (what is your background, what do you do?) *
What are your goals on Medium? What do you want to achieve on the platform? *
How much time do you invest in Medium per week? *
Why should you be part of this program and get the scholarship? *
What do you expect from the Medium Writing Academy? *
Why are you applying for the scholarship instead of purchasing the course? *
How many articles have you already published? *
What do you think is the reason you don't see your desired results on Medium yet? *
Is there anything else you want to mention? *
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