Mentee Application Form
Hello! This is the Mission Impassionible application form for elementary school to early high school students interested in being mentored by high school students in science, technology, or writing. Please fill out accurately and thoroughly!

Mission Impassionible is a student-run organization dedicated to providing interdisciplinary opportunities through education, mentorship, resources, workshops, etc. to underrepresented groups. Our motto is educate, empower, elevate.

-Be able to commit at least 1 hour every week from September to October on attending workshops and working on a specialized project
-Enthusiastic and excited to learn!

-A chance to get your final project published in our Mission Impassionible Journal
-Access to our opportunities database which has tons of competitions, programs, scholarships, internships, etc. which can be used for students to better cultivate their passions
-Join a community of talented individuals across the world where you can network and make lasting connections


TIMELINE OF THE MENTORSHIP: September 7-November 6

The mentees will discuss with the mentors a day and time that will work with their schedule and they will meet once a week to work on a project. The first month the mentor will primarily be exposing the mentee to the different realms of the specific discipline. in the second month, the mentee will be actively working on the completing the final project.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, please email or DM us on Instagram @missionimpassionible
Full Name *
Email *
Parent/Guardian Full Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Social Media (if none put N/A) *
Location: State, Country (if international, which country?) *
Age *
Grade (2020-2021 School Year) *
Which of the following underrepresented groups do you belong to (check all that is applicable)? *
Is this your first time doing a mentorship program? *
What disciplines would you like to be a mentee for? *
How much time will you be able to dedicate for Mission Impassionible? *
1 hour per week
6+ hours per week
Why do you want to be part of Mission Impassionible's mentorship program? (150 words max) *
What do you expect out of the Mission Impassionible mentoship program? (150 words max) *
What are your hobbies and passions? (150 words max) *
Any questions, comments, or concerns?
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