Certified High Performance Coaching
Goal: To help you reach heightened levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence on your march to a successful, healthy, and fully charged life so you can amplify YOUR SUCCESS in your profession, Startup, Business, Organization and/or Sport.
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Full Name *
Phone Number *
Country of Residence *
Email *
Occupation *
Please briefly describe how you heard about my coaching services and why you would like a Strategy Session with me: *
Please rate yourself in the following areas of your life on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) | CLARITY: Do you feel you are clear about who you are, your purpose, and the direction you want to go in life? *
ENERGY: Do you consistently have enough mental and physical energy needed to excel, accomplish your goals, and feel motivated and happy? *
COURAGE: Do you take action and consistently express who you truly are and what you truly think, need, and desire with the world? *
PRODUCTIVITY: Are you consistently focused and effective, and are you good at minimizing distractions and maintaining priorities? *
INFLUENCE: Do you feel you have the social influence with your family, friends, and team needed to accomplish your goals? *
1. What do you do for a living, and why did you choose that career? *
2. What are your top 3 goals you are striving to achieve right now? *
3. What major stressors or challenges are you struggling with right now? *
4. When you feel like your most successful and happy self, what makes you feel that way? *
5. What would your dream life look like if you could wave a wand and make it happen? *
6. What else has prevented you from having that dream life? *
7. What goal or dream have you ever given up on or failed at, and what do you believe caused you to stop or fail? *
8. What 3 big changes would you like to make in your life in the next 12 months? *
9. What are you most proud of and excited about in your life? *
HIGH PERFORMANCE QUESTIONS | 1. What negative recurring thoughts, fears, or behaviors would you like to overcome in order to feel more psychologically free, confident and successful? *
2. What eating, exercise or general health habits would you like to begin or break in order to feel stronger and more healthy physiologically? *
3. What distracts you the most from being more productive, and what major projects or missions are you struggling to complete faster or more efficiently? *
4. If you were more persuasive or influential, what dream or desire would you ask others to support you in achieving? *
5. When do you struggle to be fully present in your day or in any of your relationships? *
6. How purposeful do you feel in living each day, and how would you describe your purpose? *
7. Why would you like to work with a high performance coach? *
8. Why do you feel you could be a great student or coaching client if we worked together? *
Are you ready to invest time, effort and money to become your highest self? *
Our sesiones are through: Skype, Regular phone, Google Hangouts, Zoom or Whatsapp. Which option is best for you? *
Please include your email and/or phone number (including country code) associated with the option you provided previously. *
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