Joyce Foundation/NCCP Creative Placemaking and Placekeeping Intensives Application
Join us November 7-8th for a series of workshops on creative placemaking in Chicago produced by the Joyce Foundation, with the National Consortium for Creative Placemaking.

The workshops will take place at The Green Line Performing Arts Center, 329 E Garfield Blvd, Chicago, IL 60637.

These workshops are intended for those living and/or working in the Chicago metropolitan area. However, a limited number of spots may be reserved for applicants from Cleveland, Detroit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, or Minneapolis-St. Paul with timely projects.

Apply for one of three available workshops. For detailed descriptions of these sessions, please visit the following link: 

Applications are due October 6 at 11:59pm. Email for questions

Option A: Community Development for Artists
Option B: Arts-based Economic Development
Option C: Cultural District Clinic

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Email *
Name *
Name of the organization/institution you are representing today (If any) *
Address *
Please include your street address, city, state, and zip code.
Phone *
Neighborhood where the planning, projects or activities you hope to support in this workshop/clinic will be based
How long have you resided or worked in this neighborhood? *
As a part of the workshops, we will be creating a directory of participants. If you do not want to be included, please check the box below.
Which of the workshops are you applying for? *
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