90-Day Happy Plant Guarantee (Or Money Back + a New Plant)
We have 55,000+ happy customers, with 99.6% reporting that their plants are thriving. That’s why we’re confident in offering this guarantee! The 99.6% satisfaction rate comes from a survey conducted by Sybotanica among 1,421 customers between March and October 2024.

1. Report any issues within 90 days of delivery via our guarantee form.
 2. Use the mix as received – do not mix with other soil or add any nutrients.
3. Your purchase was made directly on our website
4. You have the right mix according to the SYBASoil Choice Assistant!

 If we can’t save your plant, you’ll get your money back and a new plant, up to €100 per order in new plant(s).

Fill in the form below to apply for the refund
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
SYBASoil Mix Used *
What is the issue with the plant? (If pests, kindly specify which one) *
When did you repot the plant? *
How did you water the plant? *
How much light did the plant receive? *
Name of the plant (Ideally latin + common name) *
Did you fertilise the plant? (If yes, what fertiliser, how often and how much?) *
How long did you have the plant before repotting in SYBASoil? *
How long has the plant been in SYBASoil before the issue's started to arrise? *
Does your plant pot have a drainage hole? *
Order number (#SYBXXXX) *
You can find the order number on the order confirmation emails & invoice! 
Can you explain what happened? Did you change anything in the care regimen when the issue's arrised? Are other plants affected in the same way?

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