Miss Angeles and Miss Elizabeth's Class, Week 8
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Watch this video of this week's Mass readings and then answer the question.
1. Jesus told His disciples how this world will pass away. What will it be replaced with? *
Watch The Greatest Surprise: Jesus' Second Coming and then answer the questions.
2. What should we do to make the second coming of Christ a good surprise? *
3. Fr. Mike invite us to do two things. The first, is the answer to the question above. What is the second thing? *
Thinking of the end of time can be scary. Thinking about our future can be scary. Even our lives right now are sometimes scary. What should we do when we are afraid? Listen to Lauren Daigle's song Trust in You.  Pay attention to what she is saying before she start signing.
4. Things don't always turn out like we want. What does she says we should do to help others when they struggle? *
Here is the same song with the lyric. Watching this one might help you answer the next question.
5. She sings, "I will trust in You! You are my strength and comfort. You are my steady hand. You are my firm foundation; the rock on which I stand. Your ways are always higher. Your plans are ... *
Here is a Spanish version of the song. Beautiful!
I Trust You! Watch this video and fill in the missing words below.
6. In this song Jonathan sings that he will trust even if he can't see ... *
7. He sings, My life is in .... *
Here is one more song about trusting God. It is from the movie Joseph King of Dreams. Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers. He was sold to the Egyptians to become a slave. He didn't understand God's plan for him but he still trusted.
8. He sings, "I've let go the need to ... *
9. Which of the three songs did you like best?
Watch the video and then answer the questions.
10. A homely should explain the Word just proclaimed so the congregation can have a deeper encounter with .... *
11. What do we state in union, when we recite the creed?
12. After the General Intersessions the Liturgy of the Word transitions to the Liturgy of the ...
Pray the Our Father along with this video. If you don't know the Our Father by heart please learn it with this video. In a few weeks you will be ask to recite it to one of your teacher.
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