April 2020 CYD Election Ballot
Voting is open to all registered members of CYD.

Not Registered? Sign up HERE --> http://bit.ly/2r1iEej 

Not sure who to vote for? Read the candidate's letters --> https://bit.ly/2ZQ2p78

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
What is your legal name? *
It's important that what you write here matches your voter registration.
When were you born? *
Use the date you used on your voter registration.
What is the address where you are registered to vote? *
CDP verifies your eligibility to vote by comparing your answer here to your current voter registration. We don't use it for anything else. Please include the same street address, number, city, state, and zip code you used on your voter registration.
What is your phone number? *
CDP verifies your eligibility to vote by comparing your answer here to your current voter registration. We don't use it for anything else. Please include the phone number you used on your voter registration.
National Committee Person
The NCP represents Coloradans at YDA events across the country. This term expires May 1st, 2021.
At-Large CYD Executive Board Member
The CYD Executive Board helps to plan CYD's events throughout the year. Members serve a two year term, expiring May 1st, 2022. You may vote for up to five candidates.
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