賴志盛 Lai Chih-Sheng X ART PRESS
ART PRESS 很榮幸與當代藝術家賴志盛聯合呈獻的「temporary / present 托特包」。這是疫情期間多數眾人皆共同經歷的,同時也是藝術家尚未發表之新作中的其中一個部分,於台北當代藝術博覽會前夕開始限量發售。

It's our pleasure to present the collaboration with artist Lai Chih-Sheng —— “The temporary / present Tote Bag”. This is one of the experience that most of the people have, also part of the new unreleased artwork of Lai Chih-Sheng.

⏛ 一個售價新台幣480元。One for NTD 480.
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